Tag Archives: The Temple Bar

Dublin Music

When I visited Dublin, I was completely taken by the live music. Although I have heard many live bands, the music in Ireland had an element that I had never heard before. At O’neils bar, a group of young men played on guitars and a banjo. They sat closely on a small stage that was connected to a dimly lit and tightly packed room of eager and lively listeners. The atmosphere was further enhanced by the dark wood paneling and old stained glass that seemed to date the room back to old Irish times. The band’s style incorporated both classic Irish sounding music and covers of familiar songs with a hint of irish influence. The bands energy filled the room, and left the audience unable to resist smiling, dancing, and singing along. When the band finally had exhausted themselves from performing with such passion, they ended for the night and we were forced in search of more live entertainment. Luckily, while walking down the dark and crowded streets we were lured into The Temple Bar by the sound of lively music flooding out the window and into the street. This bar was much larger, but just as closely packed with listeners. The woman singing effortlessly transformed familiar songs into unique masterpieces. Her rich voice was accompanied by a man on the guitar, who miraculously was so talented that he was able to balance the woman’s singing. They played together all night, engaging with each other like they were having the time of their lives. The two of seemed to play on and on for hours. It was clear that they were truly enjoying themselves, and not just performing because it was their job. The audience sang and danced as the music continued pouring out of the two. We enjoyed this band so much that we returned the following night, just like loyal fans.

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